* 11 November 2019 – Scottish Registered Social Landlords to comply with FOISA / EIRs
(* subject to Parliamentary approval)
Many housing associations already utilise the services of an out-sourced Data Protection Officer – usually, because of the volume of personal data and special category data they process, or, because they want to be seen to be ‘getting it right’.
However, as of 11 November 2019 all Scottish RSLs will be classed as Scottish Local Authorities and subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004. As such, an in compliance with the GDPR, they will need to appoint a Data Protection Officer. We already have a relationship with over 10 Housing Associations within Scotland (references available upon request) and can help your Housing Association too. Contact us.
Training for Housing Associations
We have a 2 hour FOISA 2002 and EIR 2004 training presentation tailored, specifically, for Housing Associations / RSLs – this can be delivered at your premises to your Board, Trustees, Senior Management Team, Staff – of a combination of all – anyone that might receive an FOI request.
To see how and when we can begin to implement this for you, contact us – November is only 6 months away – but this gives you time to prepare!!
We can bring our training to you, the benefits in doing this are:
- Convenient – We can present at the location of your choice, at a time that is suitable for all your participants. This also means less time out of the office!
- Confidential – Your opportunity to openly discuss real issues in order to produce real and applicable solutions with our training team.
- Tailored – Presentation designed to meet the specific requirements of Housing Associations and RSLs
- Team Work – Greater interaction and enhanced learning experience.
- Cost Savings – The costs to your organisation are considerably less than sending a large number of participants to a course held in a hotel or conference centre.
We’re only a ‘click’, call or e-mail away – so get in touch.
Outsourced Data Protection Officer Services
We can provide outsourced Data Protection Officer services to your organisation to ensure you meet your obligations under:
- Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
- Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004
- General Data Protection Regulation 2016
- Data Protection Act 2018
Our virtual Data Protection Officer (DPO) services include;
- Initial Data Protection audit
- Annual audit and update.
- Priority response to Data Protection issues.
- Half Day ‘buying segments’ (pay-as-you-go)
- Optional facility to “share” a DPO with other linked organisation or group of companies etc.
At an initial meeting we would undertake a mini-audit and an assessment of your needs, which will help you guage your current level of risk and decide the steps which will manage that risk. Based on this meeting we will be able to quote a price for our services and if you decide to proceed we will carry out a full data protection healthcheck and agree a programme of work with you.
We’re only a ‘click’, call or e-mail away – so get in touch.