Irrespective of Brexit, GDPR will be here to stay and it keeps changing …
So, your web designer or solicitor has told you that your website and policies are GDPR compliant?
We bet they’re not !! If you need help with your GDPR or DPA compliance, Get in touch now!
Looking after and managing your own GDPR compliance is time consuming and requires a great deal of specialised knowledge. Reading the latest guidance and information on the Information Commissioner’s Office website could, almost, be a full time job. We do the reading for you. We know the latest guidance and best business practice.
We offer GDPR Training, Data Protection Training and an ‘outsourced’ Data Protection Officer service (DPOaAS), that, for small and medium sized businesses is likely to be a much more cost-effective approach than sourcing a full-time employee. See our separate page on Data Protection Officer Services.
How we help you with GDPR compliance …
Data Protection Policy / Privacy Notices
We can help you create Policy Notices that are adapted to your needs and the way you do things. These will explain how you handle data to your customers, clients, users etc. and your staff. It will be invaluable to your staff and can be used to reassure your clients. These should be written by you – with guidance from us – this way you take ownership of them, they will fit in with your way of working and it will not be an expensive outlay for you or your business. Many companies copy/paste these policy notices from the internet and, usually, they’re fundamentally incorrect. Some are even illegal.
We can help you with;
- Subject Access Requests (SARs)
- Data Processing Agreements
- Outsourcing of Data Processing
- Privacy Notices (Privacy Policies)
- Staff Training
- Special Category Data
- GDPR updates vs. Data Protection Act 2018
- Information Security Best Practice
- Data Breach Management & Register
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Busting the ‘myths’
- Direct Marketing / Social Media
If you have any GDPR compliance issues, or need GDPR training – Get in touch now to see how we can help you, or, book onto one of our courses. See here for what’s on offer.
We can bring our training to you, the benefits in doing this are:
- Convenient – Programmes can be presented at the location of your choice, at a time that is suitable for all your participants. This also means less time out of the office!
- Confidential – Your opportunity to openly discuss real issues in order to produce real and applicable solutions with our training team.
- Tailored – Programmes designed to meet the specific requirements of your company or organisation. We can design a programme for you and ensure the content is specific to your sector or needs
- Team Work – Greater interaction and enhanced learning experience.
- Cost Savings – The costs to your organisation are considerably less than sending a large number of participants to a course held in a hotel or conference centre.
We can also use any of the common video-conferencing apps – MS Teams / Zoom / Google Meet etc.
We’re only a ‘click’, call or e-mail away – so get in touch.