Do you: Know what to do? Have someone to help you?
We are The Specialist trainers & consultants in Data Protection and GDPR compliance
We’re only a ‘click’, call or e-mail away – so get in touch.
Data breaches are not something that “will happen to someone else” or, “will never happen to us” – they will – they are very real and, unfortunately, very common. The most important asset of any business, especially your business, is the information and personal data it uses.
You must handle it correctly, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and other related legislation. It needs to be safe and secure as losing it will damage your organisational reputation. Our sole aim is to help you with any/all compliance and training needs you may have.
We have been operational since 2010 and can be your “go to” GDPR compliance professionals. Don’t be like the companies that get it wrong…. get it right with us! Get in touch.
We can’t show you glamorous pictures of data protection – it’s just not like that!
Data protection compliance is about treating people’s personal data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner as well as building client trust and confidence. Failure to be compliant with the appropriate legislation could lead to your company being fined by the Information Commissioners Office, ICO. Do you have a budget able to cope with the potential fines as indicated above?
We’re not like some other companies out there – we haven’t just jumped on the bandwagon!
If you have been avoiding thinking about data protection, now really is the time to start putting personal data audits, policies, procedures, processes and training in place – and we can help with ALL of these areas – we can be your “one-stop-shop” toward compliance. We are GDPR Trainers, we offer Data Protection Training and we are really good Data Protection Consultants – getting you through the GDPR / DPA minefield in a ‘down-to-earth’ way…
We can bring our training to you, the benefits in doing this are:
- Convenient – Programmes can be presented at the location of your choice, at a time that is suitable for all your participants. This also means less time out of the office!
- Confidential – Your opportunity to openly discuss real issues in order to produce real and applicable solutions with our training team.
- Tailored – Programmes designed to meet the specific requirements of your company or organisation. We can design a programme for you and ensure the content is specific to your sector or needs
- Team Work – Greater interaction and enhanced learning experience.
- Cost Savings – The costs to your organisation are considerably less than sending a large number of participants to a course held in a hotel or conference centre.
We can also use any of the common video-conferencing apps – MS Teams / Zoom / Google Meet etc.
We’re only a ‘click’, call or e-mail away – so get in touch.
If you would like an informal, no-obligation chat about the Data Protection services I can provide, please book a time on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday and I would be delighted to explore possibilities.