As the leaders in your business, you should be setting the example…
It is your responsibility to lead by example and drive the organisation in the direction that it needs to be driven. You want to make money. You want to increase your profits. You want to be successful.
However, you face constant hurdles: Health & Safety, Audits, Compliance, VAT, HMRC, Policies, Procedures, Documents – and now, of course, there’s more – Data Protection and GDPR!! But, with the potential for severe penalties if you fail to do what is now required by law.
In many cases “you” won’t actually do it, your staff, employees, teams – will.
But YOU DO need to know: what they’re doing, why they’re doing it and if they’re doing it right.
You’ll only know if:
- You have sufficient existing expertise, or;
- You and your Board / Exec Team have training.
How long?
4 hours is usually sufficient. We can attend at your premises, use your Board Room (or any other large enough room) – we can bring all our own AV equipment (unless you happen to have some) and we can deliver a GDPR overview for Senior Managers / Directors / Boards etc.
No dramas, nothing that even further commits you. A nudge in the right direction…
(Oh, by the way, we can deliver a shorter version for your staff too!)
If your staff understand GDPR and they understand the importance of getting it right – they’ll better support you; all of which will be a massive leap in the right direction toward your GDPR compliance pathway, and, specifically, your accountability portfolio.
… Get in touch to find out more and see how we can help you, or to book training for your Senior Team
We deliver our training live online, usually using Zoom. The benefits in doing this are:
- Convenient – Programmes can be presented at a time that is suitable for all your participants and they don’t need to travel.
- Confidential – Your opportunity to openly discuss real issues in order to produce real and applicable solutions with our training team.
- Tailored – Programmes designed to meet the specific requirements of your company or organisation. We can design a programme for you and ensure the content is specific to your sector or needs
- Team Work – Greater interaction and enhanced learning experience.
- Cost Savings – The costs to your organisation are considerably less than sending a large number of participants to a course held in a hotel or conference centre.
We’re only a ‘click’, call or e-mail away – so get in touch.